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主要翻译英语中文 falling adj (dropping, descending)SCSimplified Chinese 落下的   SCSimplified Chinese 下落的,降落的   SCSimplified Chinese 坠落的  She felt melancholy as she gazed out of her window at the falling leaves.  她看着窗外飘落的树叶,感到一阵忧伤。 falling adj figurative (price, numbers: decreasing) (价格、数量等)SCSimplified Chinese 下降的,降低的,减少的 xià jiàng de ,jiàng dī de ,jiǎn shǎo de TCTraditional Chinese 減少的  Falling house prices indicate a struggling economy.  下降的房价表明经济环境的不景气。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

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主要翻译英语中文 fall⇒ vi (come down)SCSimplified Chinese 掉下 diào xià   SCSimplified Chinese 落下 diào xià,là xià   SCSimplified Chinese 摔下 diào xià,shuāi xià  I fell from a ladder yesterday. It's autumn and the leaves are falling.  昨天我从梯子上摔了下来。// 秋天到了,树叶落了。 fall vi figurative (abate) (比喻)SCSimplified Chinese 下跌,下降 xià diē ,xià jiàng TCTraditional Chinese 下降  Demand for this product has fallen recently.  对这个产品的需求最近下降了。 fall n (act of falling)SCSimplified Chinese 下掉 xià diào   SCSimplified Chinese 下落 xià diào,xià luò TCTraditional Chinese 下落  The fall of nuts from the tree makes a loud sound.  树上的坚果掉到地上,发出很大的声音。 fall, the fall n US (autumn)SCSimplified Chinese 秋 qiū TCTraditional Chinese 秋   SCSimplified Chinese 秋天 qiū,qiū tiān TCTraditional Chinese 秋天   SCSimplified Chinese 秋季 qiū,qiū jì TCTraditional Chinese 秋季  Classes will resume in the fall.  秋天的时候又会重新开课。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 其他翻译英语中文 fall n (decline) (数量、质量等)SCSimplified Chinese 下降,减少 xià jiàng ,jiǎn shǎo TCTraditional Chinese 下降,減少  The fall in prices will harm our profits. fall n (slope)SCSimplified Chinese (下降的)斜坡 xià jiàng de xié pō   SCSimplified Chinese 陡坡 xià jiàng de xié pō,dǒu pō  The field is flat except for a fall towards the river. fall n (ruin)SCSimplified Chinese 倒台 dǎo tái   SCSimplified Chinese 下台 dǎo tái ,xià tái TCTraditional Chinese 下台 / 下臺  This is the story of the decline and fall of Richard Nixon. fall n (defeat) (战争中某个城市或地方)SCSimplified Chinese 失陷,沦陷 shī xiàn,lún xiàn  She wrote a book about the Fall of France in 1940. fall n (distance [sth] falls) (水流或者山脉等)SCSimplified Chinese 落差 luò chā  The river has a fall of about fifty metres. fall n (falling down)SCSimplified Chinese 跌落 diē luò   SCSimplified Chinese 坠落 diē luò ,zhuì luò  She suffered a bad fall, while horseriding. fall n uncountable ([sth] hanging down)SCSimplified Chinese 下垂 xià chuí TCTraditional Chinese 下垂   SCSimplified Chinese 垂落 xià chuí,chuí luò   SCSimplified Chinese 垂挂  He was enchanted by the fall of her hair on her shoulders. fall n (sinful lapse)SCSimplified Chinese 堕落 duò luò TCTraditional Chinese 墮落  A sinner must confess his fall. fall n (surrender, capture) (战争中)SCSimplified Chinese 投降,失守 tóu xiáng ,shī shǒu TCTraditional Chinese 投降,失守  Odysseus wandered for ten years after the fall of Troy. the Fall, the Fall of Man n (Bible) (基督教)SCSimplified Chinese 人类的堕落  In the Bible, the serpent brought on the Fall. falls npl (waterfall)SCSimplified Chinese 瀑布 pù bù  You can hear the falls from far off. fall vi (collapse)SCSimplified Chinese 塌陷 tā xiàn   SCSimplified Chinese 坍塌 tā xiàn,tān tā  The roof fell under the weight of the snow. fall vi (die)SCSimplified Chinese 死亡 sǐ wáng TCTraditional Chinese 死亡   SCSimplified Chinese 阵亡 sǐ wáng ,zhèn wáng  He fell in battle, dying like a hero. fall vi (drop wounded)SCSimplified Chinese 受伤倒下 shòu shāng dǎo xià TCTraditional Chinese 受傷倒下  The soldier fell, and was treated by the medics. fall vi figurative (temperature: decline) (温度)SCSimplified Chinese 下降,下跌、 xià jiàng TCTraditional Chinese 下降  Temperatures will fall below freezing tomorrow. fall vi figurative (government: lose ability) (政府)SCSimplified Chinese 垮台 kuǎ tái TCTraditional Chinese 垮台 / 垮臺  The government fell, following a scandal. fall vi figurative (become)SCSimplified Chinese 变得 biàn de   SCSimplified Chinese 成为 biàn de ,chéng wéi TCTraditional Chinese 成為  She fell ill. fall vi figurative, archaic (commit a sin) (古语)SCSimplified Chinese 堕落 duò luò TCTraditional Chinese 墮落   SCSimplified Chinese 沦落 duò luò ,lún luò  Humanity was created perfect, but then fell. fall vi figurative (be included)SCSimplified Chinese 属于 shǔ yú TCTraditional Chinese 屬於   SCSimplified Chinese 包括在 shǔ yú ,bāo kuò zài  Their request falls within the scope of our project. fall on [sth], fall upon [sth] vi + prep (come to rest on) (目光)SCSimplified Chinese 落下, 垂下  Her gaze fell upon the letter I was writing. fall on [sth], fall upon [sth] vi + prep figurative (occur on) (日期)SCSimplified Chinese 适逢,正好轮到,恰好是 shì féng,zhèng hǎo lún dào  My birthday falls on a Saturday this year. The election falls on my birthday.  今年我的生日是在星期六。// 选举那天恰好是我的生日。 fall on [sth/sb], fall upon [sth/sb] vtr phrasal insep (attack, assault)SCSimplified Chinese 袭击 xí jī TCTraditional Chinese 襲擊  The group of men fell on Pete, punching and kicking him.  一群人袭击了皮特,对他拳打脚踢。 fall on [sth], fall upon [sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative (eat hungrily)SCSimplified Chinese 狼吞虎咽 láng tūn hǔ yàn TCTraditional Chinese 狼吞虎嚥  I could tell by the way the homeless man fell upon the burger that he hadn't eaten all day.  我从这个流浪汉狼吞虎咽的样子就可以看出他一天都没吃过东西。 fall on [sth], fall upon [sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative (opportunity: grab enthusiastically) (机会)SCSimplified Chinese 激动地抓住  Being a huge fan of the band, Stella fell upon the chance to see them in concert.  作为这个乐队的超级粉丝,斯特拉拿到了看他们演唱会的机会。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

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动词短语fall | falling英语中文 fall across [sth] vtr phrasal insep (find [sth] by chance) (指物)SCSimplified Chinese 偶然找到 ǒu rán zhǎo dào TCTraditional Chinese 偶然找到   SCSimplified Chinese 碰巧找到 fall across [sb] vtr phrasal insep (meet [sb] by chance) (指人)SCSimplified Chinese 偶遇 ǒu yù   SCSimplified Chinese 邂逅 ǒu yù,xiè hòu fall away vi phrasal (diminish)SCSimplified Chinese 减少 jiǎn shǎo TCTraditional Chinese 減少   SCSimplified Chinese 减小 jiǎn shǎo ,jiǎn xiǎo  Attendance at the church fell away as more and more people moved to the suburbs. fall away vi phrasal figurative (worries, etc.: disappear) (麻烦、烦恼)SCSimplified Chinese 自动消失 zì dòng xiāo shī TCTraditional Chinese 自動消失  Eventually her emotional burdens simply fell away, and she was her old self again. fall away from [sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative (abandon)SCSimplified Chinese 抛弃 pāo qì TCTraditional Chinese 拋棄   SCSimplified Chinese 背弃 pāo qì,bèi qì   SCSimplified Chinese 离弃 pāo qì,lí qì  As he got older he fell away from the church. fall back vi phrasal (withdraw, retreat)SCSimplified Chinese 后退 hòu tuì TCTraditional Chinese 後退   SCSimplified Chinese 撤退 hòu tuì,chè tuì TCTraditional Chinese 撤退  The general ordered his troops to fall back.  将军命令他的部队撤退。 fall back on [sb/sth] vi phrasal + prep informal, figurative (resort to, rely on)SCSimplified Chinese 转而依靠 zhuǎn ér yī kào TCTraditional Chinese 轉而依靠   SCSimplified Chinese 求助于 zhuǎn ér yī kào,qiú zhù yú TCTraditional Chinese 求助於   SCSimplified Chinese 向…求助  Whenever I am in trouble, I know that I can always fall back on my friends and family.  无论何时我身陷困境,我知道我总是能向朋友和家人求助。 fall behind vi phrasal figurative (fail to keep up)SCSimplified Chinese 落后 luò hòu TCTraditional Chinese 落後  If I don't study for two hours every night, I risk falling behind with my class work.  如果每晚不学习两个小时,我就有可能会落下课业。 fall behind vi phrasal (fail to maintain pace)SCSimplified Chinese 落后 luò hòu TCTraditional Chinese 落後  The runner started falling behind when he twisted his ankle two miles into the race.  在跑了两英里后,赛跑者扭伤了脚踝,开始落后了。 fall down vi phrasal (structure: collapse)SCSimplified Chinese 垮塌 kuǎ tā  The brick wall fell down.  那面砖墙垮塌了。 fall down vi phrasal (person: trip, slip)SCSimplified Chinese 摔倒 shuāi dǎo   SCSimplified Chinese 滑倒 shuāi dǎo ,huá dǎo  Mike fell down and injured his back.  麦克摔倒了,还伤到了他的背。 fall down vi phrasal figurative (person: fail) (人)SCSimplified Chinese 失败 shī bài   SCSimplified Chinese 没通过,不及格,挂科 bù jí gé ,guà kē  Many students fall down on this test task.  许多学生都没有通过这次测验。 fall down vi phrasal figurative ([sth]: not succeed) (事)SCSimplified Chinese 失败 shī bài  Negotiations for broadcasting the game fell down over the issue of international TV rights.  这场比赛的转播协商由于国际电视转播权的问题失败了。 fall in vi phrasal (military: take ranks)SCSimplified Chinese 列队 liè duì  The soldiers fell in when the whistle blew.  哨声响起时,士兵们马上开始列队。 fall in vi phrasal (collapse)SCSimplified Chinese 坍塌 tān tā   SCSimplified Chinese 倒塌 tān tā,dǎo tā  The snow was so heavy last year, the roof of the old house fell in.  去年的雪实在太大,老房子的屋顶都被压塌了。 fall in with [sb] vi phrasal + prep (start to associate with)SCSimplified Chinese 偶然碰到,偶遇 ǒu rán pèng dào,ǒu yù TCTraditional Chinese 偶然碰到   SCSimplified Chinese 赞同… zàn tóng …  His grades dropped when he fell in with the wrong crowd. fall in with [sth] vi phrasal + prep informal (accept: plan, idea)SCSimplified Chinese 同意 tóng yì TCTraditional Chinese 同意   SCSimplified Chinese 赞成 tóng yì,zàn chéng TCTraditional Chinese 贊成  She is convinced that everyone will fall in with her plan once they understand it. fall into [sth] vtr phrasal insep (be categorized as)SCSimplified Chinese 被归类为   SCSimplified Chinese 属于 shǔ yú TCTraditional Chinese 屬於  The reform bill falls into the category of well-intentioned but ultimately misguided projects.  这套改革法案属于那种本意良好、最终走偏的项目。 fall off vi phrasal figurative (decrease)SCSimplified Chinese 减少 jiǎn shǎo TCTraditional Chinese 減少   SCSimplified Chinese 降低 jiǎn shǎo ,jiàng dī TCTraditional Chinese 降低  Car sales have fallen off during the recession.  经济不景气的时期,汽车销售额减少了。 fall on [sb/sth], fall upon [sb/sth] vtr phrasal insep (attack)SCSimplified Chinese 袭击… TCTraditional Chinese 襲擊...   SCSimplified Chinese 攻击… gōng jī …  The two men fell on their victim as he was walking down the street. fall on [sth], fall upon [sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative (food: eat eagerly) (食物)SCSimplified Chinese 扑向… pū xiàng … TCTraditional Chinese 撲向...  The man fell on the crust of bread as though he had not eaten for days. fall on [sb], fall upon [sb] vtr phrasal insep figurative (person: greet, embrace)SCSimplified Chinese 迎接…   SCSimplified Chinese 拥抱…  Derek fell upon his brother and they wept with joy at being reunited. fall on [sb], fall to [sb] vtr phrasal insep (be the obligation of)SCSimplified Chinese 落在…肩上  Responsibility for the project's success or failure ultimately falls on the manager. fall out vi phrasal informal (friends: quarrel) (朋友)SCSimplified Chinese 争吵,闹翻 zhēng chǎo ,nào fān  They have fallen out and are no longer speaking to each other.  他们闹翻了,相互不再说话了。 fall out over [sth] vi phrasal + prep (quarrel because of)SCSimplified Chinese 为了…争吵   SCSimplified Chinese 因为…争吵  Ian and Gavin fell out over a girl and haven't spoken to each other for a month.  伊恩和加文因为一个女孩闹翻了,已有一个月没说过话了。 fall out vi phrasal (become detached or lost)SCSimplified Chinese 分离出来 fēn lí chū lái TCTraditional Chinese 分離出來   SCSimplified Chinese 掉出来 fēn lí chū lái,diào chū lái  I didn't realise my bag was open; my cell phone fell out and smashed.  我没有意识到我的包开了,我手机掉出来,摔碎了。 fall out vi phrasal (military: leave ranks) (军队)SCSimplified Chinese 解散, 掉队  After the inspection, the soldiers were ordered to fall out.  在检查过后,这些士兵奉命解散。 fall out with [sb] vi phrasal + prep informal (quarrel with: a friend) (非正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese 与…争吵,与…起纠纷 yǔ … zhēng chǎo ,yǔ qǐ jiū fēn TCTraditional Chinese 與…爭吵   SCSimplified Chinese 闹翻 nào fān  If you do not stop gossiping, all your friends are going to fall out with you.  如果你还要再继续说闲话,你所有朋友都会和你闹翻的。 fall over vi phrasal (person: trip, slip)SCSimplified Chinese 滑倒, 绊倒  When the elderly woman fell over in the street, several passers-by rushed to help her.  那位老妇人在街上摔倒,几个过路人跑过去帮了她。 fall through vi phrasal informal, figurative (be unsuccessful, come to nothing) (非正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese 失败,落空,成为泡影 shī bài,luò kōng,chéng wéi pào yǐng  I thought that the deal would be very profitable for my business, but it fell through at the last minute.  我本以为那笔交易会让我的生意大赚一笔,不过到头来还是成为泡影。 fall to vi phrasal (begin to eat)SCSimplified Chinese 开始吃 TCTraditional Chinese 開始吃 fall under [sth] vtr phrasal insep (be categorized within)SCSimplified Chinese 属于… shǔ yú TCTraditional Chinese 屬於...   SCSimplified Chinese 归入…类 fall under [sth] vtr phrasal insep (come within control, jurisdiction of)SCSimplified Chinese 属于…的管辖范围   SCSimplified Chinese 归…负责  The crime of desertion falls under the jurisdiction of the military justice system. fall within [sth] vtr phrasal insep (be classified under)SCSimplified Chinese 归为… TCTraditional Chinese 歸為... fall within [sth] vtr phrasal insep (be included in)SCSimplified Chinese 在…内 zài … nèi  All of your vital sign readings fall within the normal range for your age.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

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复合形式:falling | fall英语中文 falling action n (part of literary plot) (文学情节的一部分)SCSimplified Chinese 剧情下降,情节下降 falling stocks npl (shares whose value is decreasing)SCSimplified Chinese 下跌的股票 falling-out n informal (quarrel)SCSimplified Chinese 争吵 zhēng chǎo   SCSimplified Chinese 吵闹 zhēng chǎo ,chǎo nào  Miranda and Colin aren't speaking - they've had a serious falling-out. falloff, falling-off, also UK: fall-off n (decrease, decline)SCSimplified Chinese 下降 xià jiàng TCTraditional Chinese 下降   SCSimplified Chinese 减少 xià jiàng ,jiǎn shǎo TCTraditional Chinese 減少 shooting star, falling star n (meteor)SCSimplified Chinese 流星 liú xīng  I spent all last night trying to see a shooting star.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: fall [fɔːl] pt (pp fell)fallenI vi 1 [person, object] 掉 diào Bombs fell in the town.炸弹(彈)掉进(進)城里(裡)。 Zhàdàn diàojìn chéng li. Her father fell into the sea.她父亲(親)掉到海里(裡)了。 Tā fùqīn diàodào hǎi li le. 2 (=fall over) [person, building] 倒下 dǎoxià She gripped his shoulders to stop herself from falling.她抓住他的肩膀以防自己倒下。 Tā zhuāzhù tā de jiānbǎng yǐfáng zìjǐ dǎoxià. 3 [snow, rain] 下 xià An inch of rain fell within 15 minutes.15分钟(鐘)内(內)下了1英寸的雨。 Shíwǔ fēnzhōng nèi xiàle yī yīngcùn de yǔ. 4 [price, temperature, currency] 下降 xiàjiàng Oil prices fell by 0.2 per cent.油价(價)下降了0.2%。 Yóujià xiàjiàngle bǎi fēn zhī líng diǎn èr. 5 [government, leader, country] 下台(臺) xiàtái The prime minister fell from power.首相下台(臺)了。 Shǒuxiàng xiàtái le. 6 [night, darkness] 降临(臨) jiànglín as darkness fell当(當)黑暗降临(臨)时(時) dāng hēi'àn jiànglín shí 7 [light, shadow] 投射 tóushè A shadow fell over her book.一道阴(陰)影投射到她的书(書)上。 Yī dào yīnyǐng tóushè dào tā de shū shang. 8 [silence, sadness, tiredness] 降临(臨) jiànglín Silence fell on the passengers as the police checked identity cards.警察检查身份证(證)的时(時)候,每个(個)乘客都陷入沉默。 Jǐngchá jiǎnchá shēnfènzhèng de shíhou, měigè chéngkè dōu xiànrù chénmò. II n 1 [c] [of person] 摔倒 shuāidǎo [次 cì] He had a nasty fall.他摔得不轻(輕)。 Tā shuāi de bù qīng. 2 [c] (in price, temperature) 下降 xiàjiàng [次 cì] There has been a sharp fall in the value of the pound.英镑(鎊)急剧(劇)贬值。 Yīngbàng jíjù biǎnzhí. 3 [s] [of government, leader] 垮台(臺) kuǎtái a debate which led to the Government's fall一场(場)导(導)致政府垮台(臺)的辩(辯)论(論) yī chǎng dǎozhì zhèngfǔ kuǎtái de biànlùn 4 [c] [of rain, snow] 场(場) chǎng a heavy fall of snow一场(場)大雪 yī cháng dà xuě 5 [c/u] (US) (=autumn) 秋天 qiūtiān [个 gè] in the fall of 19911991年秋天 yījiǔjiǔyī nián qiūtiān [英 = autumn] IIIfalls n pl (=waterfall) 瀑布 pùbù Niagara Falls尼亚(亞)加拉大瀑布 Níyàjiālā dà pùbù Christmas falls on a Sunday 圣(聖)诞(誕)节(節)适(適)逢星期天 Shèngdàn Jié shìféng xīngqītiān to fall in love (with sb/sth) 爱(愛)上(某人/某事) àishàng (mǒurén/mǒushì) to fall flat [joke] 毫无(無)效果 háo wú xiàoguǒ to fall short of the required amount达(達)不到要求的数(數)量 dá bù dào yāoqiú de shǔliàng to fall ill/pregnant生病/怀(懷)孕 shēngbìng/huáiyùn which group do you fall into?你属(屬)于(於)哪一组(組)? nǐ shǔyú nǎ yī zǔ?fall apart vi 1 [building, structure] 破碎 pòsuì 2 [system, organization] 瓦解 wǎjiě 3 (inf) (emotionally) 崩溃(潰) bēngkuì fall back vi (=retreat) 撤退 chètuì fall back on vt fus 不可拆分 (=resort to) 依靠 yīkào fall behind vi 落后(後) luòhòu to fall behind with one's payments 逾期不付款 yúqī bù fùkuǎnfall down vi 1 [person] 摔倒 shuāidǎo 2 [building] 倒塌 dǎotā fall for vt fus 不可拆分 1 [+ trick, story, lie] 上…的当(當) shàng…de dàng 2 [+ person] 爱(愛)上 àishàng fall in vi 1 [roof, ceiling] 塌陷 tāxiàn 2 (Mil) 集合 jíhé fall in with vt fus 不可拆分 [+ sb's plans] 赞(贊)成 zànchéng fall off vi 1 [person, object] 掉下 diàoxià 2 (=diminish) [takings, attendance] 减(減)少 jiǎnshǎo fall out vi 1 [hair, teeth] 掉 diào 2 [friends] 争(爭)吵 zhēngchǎo to fall out with sb 与(與)某人争(爭)吵 yǔ mǒurén zhēngchǎo fall overI vi [person, object] 跌倒 diēdǎo II vt fus 不可拆分 ▶ to fall over o.s. to do sth (inf) 想方设(設)法做某事 xiǎng fāng shè fǎ zuò mǒushì fall through vi [plan] 落空 luòkōng fall to vt fus 不可拆分 ▶ to fall to sb to do sth [responsibility] 做某事的责(責)任落在某人身上 zuò mǒushì de zérèn luòzài mǒurén shēnshang 在这些条目还发现'falling': 在英文解释里: acid rain - bearish - cognizable - collapse - crumbling - declination - disintegration - downward motion - dropping - eroding - fall - fluctuation - fluttering - hail - incidence - obsolescent - rain - regressive - sinking - snowfall - stumbling 中文: 闭幕 同义词: dropping, sinking, descending, plunging, slipping, 更多……习惯性搭配: the falling snow covered the [ground, car, driveway], the falling leaves of autumn, soaked by the falling rain, 更多……

标题中含有单词 'falling' 的论坛讨论:

The leaves are falling (because it's fall now). ...including fall/falling in love - English Only forum 'Falling down' and 'Falling' - English Only forum [Falling/Fallen] leaves return to their roots - English Only forum A comedian falling off the stage? - English Only forum a bit ahead in one place and falling a little behind somewhere else - English Only forum a disgust at falling short of - English Only forum a figure lifting and falling, bending so the rain - English Only forum A free-falling object / A free falling object - English Only forum a shooting/falling star - English Only forum a stage when someone's falling in love with you that they lose their erection - English Only forum After my brother's falling... - English Only forum Alternative way to describe falling in love - English Only forum An is falling hard - English Only forum An action happens in a very short time: fall/falling - English Only forum and falling is to rise by you - English Only forum and you fall which you are = (?) and you fall as you are (falling) - English Only forum are left behind / are falling behind - English Only forum as far as the woman who's falling madly in love with you - English Only forum as far right as you could go without falling off the earth - English Only forum as Keona she - English Only forum be falling over itself in its eagerness - English Only forum "beat at the limbs" and "falling over logs" - English Only forum began calling/falling off his donkey - English Only forum Blown past falling sands... - English Only forum but keeps falling down/off the hammock - English Only forum by of falling - English Only forum could only watch helpless as you - English Only forum danger - debris falling off the roof, wall - English Only forum despite falling, having stumbled - English Only forum 更多……访问Chinese 论坛。帮助 WordReference: 在论坛上提问。 English Only论坛里有关'falling'的讨论 Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. 查看 "falling" 的谷歌机器翻译。

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